A successful nail technician who prided herself on being fit, active and full of live, Debbie was diagnosed with Olfactory Neuroblastoma in 2012. Four days later she was also diagnosed with breast cancer. Debbie used that life-changing experience as motivation to retrain in cosmetic tattooing. Today she works across New Zealand in public hospitals and private clinics as New Zealand’s most qualified areola and nipple repigmentation specialist. Scroll down for the full list of Debbie's Cosmetic Tattoo Training.
Debbie is the most qualified areola tattooist in New Zealand having completed the following training programmes:
Areola Repigmentation Paramedical tattooing
Wake Up with Makeup NZ 2015
Vicki Martin Method, 3D Areola training UK 2018
3D Areola paramedical tattooing USA 2019
SPCP Society for Permanent cosmetic professionals USA current
CPCP Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional USA (annual training levels and blood-borne pathogens required to maintain certification)
Cancer Survivor